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PODCAST France Culture

En peinture, l'intelligence artificielle tisse sa toile


Née en 1983 vit et travaille en France (Grand Est)

Artiste et curatrice d'art

Directrice du Mètre Carré

Coprésidente et Représentante du Collège Artistes-auteurs de PLAN D’EST Pôle arts visuels Grand Est 

Membre du CA de la Fraap avec Le Mètre Carré

Emmanuelle Potier obtient le DNSEP à l’ENSAD Nancy en 2006, le CFPI à la HEAR en 2008, L’AIC DRAC Lorraine en 2014, le CFGA en 2015, le Master 2 Industries Culturelles France - Italie à la Sorbonne Nouvelle en 2017, le Prix Henri Galilée de l’Académie Stanislas en 2020, l’AIC DRAC Grand Est en 2020. 

Dans une volonté d’ouverture, elle co-fonde Le Mètre Carré en 2011 (présidente puis directrice à partir de 2017), depuis 2018, elle est rédactrice arts visuels pour le magazine luxembourgeois Passaparola et depuis 2020, elle est Représentante du Collège Artistes-auteurs et Vice-présidente de PLAN D’EST Pôle arts visuels Grand Est 

Son travail se développe autour de la peinture et intègre de grands thèmes récurrents et actuels qui mettent l'accent sur l'absurdité, comme le temps, la vanité, l'existence, le rapport à l'autre, l'illusion. Son travail est principalement lié à des protocoles rigoureux et se compose de séries de peintures inspirées des médias de masse, des nouvelles technologies et de la sérendipité de la recherche sur Internet.

Ayant toujours besoin de diversifier les voies, elle co-crée en 2011 "Le Mètre Carré", structure qu'elle dirige depuis avec passion, avec la volonté de rapprocher le grand public de l'art contemporain et à travers laquelle il organise des expositions et des résidences engagées, en lien avec les problématiques actuelles de notre société. L'association est soutenue par le Ministère de la Culture (DRAC Grand Est), la région Grand Est et diverses autres entités publiques et privées selon les projets.


Nata nel 1983 nel dipartimento della Mosella francese, è artista e curatrice, direttrice del Artists Run No Space Le Mètre Carré, Rappresentante del Collegio degli artisti-autori e Vicepresidente della rete di arti visive PLAN D’EST della regione Grand Est francese. 

Emmanuelle Potier ha ottenuto il DNSEP all'ENSAD Nancy nel 2006, il CFPI alla HEAR nel 2008, l'AIC DRAC Lorraine nel 2014, il CFGA nel 2015, il Master 2 Industrie Culturali Francia - Italia alla Sorbonne Nouvelle nel 2017, il Premio Henri Galilée dalla Stanislas Academy nel 2020, AIC DRAC Grand Est nel 2020.

In desiderio di apertura, ha co-fondato Le Mètre Carré nel 2011 (presidente e direttrice dal 2017), dal 2018 è redattrice di arti visive per la rivista lussemburghese Passaparola e dal 2020 è rappresentante del Collegio artisti- autori e Vicepresidente della rete di arti visive PLAN D’EST della regione Grand Est francese. 

La sua opera si sviluppa intorno alla pittura e integra delle grande tematiche ricorrente e attuali che sottolineano l’assurdità, come il tempo, la vanità, l’esistenza, il rapporto all’altro, l’illusione. ll suo lavoro è principalmente legato a dei protocolli rigorosi e costituito da serie di dipinti ispirati dai mass media, dalle nuove technologie e dalla serendepità delle ricerche internet.

Avendo sempre bisogno di diversificare i modi, co-crea nel 2011 “Le Mètre Carré”, struttura che dirige da allora con la passione, con la volontà di avvicinare e sensibilizzare il grande pubblico all’arte contemporanea e tramite la quale cura mostre e residenze impegnate, relative ai temi attuali della nostra società. L’associazione è sostenuta dal Ministero delle Cultura, della regione Grand Est e di vari altri enti pubblici e privati a secondo dei progetti.


Born in 1983 lives and works in France (Grand Est) and Italy (Tuscany)

Artist and exhibition curator

Director of the Artists Ru No Space Le Mètre Carré

Representative of the Artists-Authors College and Vice-President of PLAN D’EST visual arts department in Grand Est

Emmanuelle Potier obtained the DNSEP at ENSAD Nancy in 2006, the CFPI at the HEAR in 2008, the AIC DRAC Lorraine in 2014, the CFGA in 2015, the Master 2 Cultural Industries France - Italy at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in 2017, the Henri Galilée Prize from the Stanislas Academy in 2020, AIC DRAC Grand Est in 2020.

In a desire for openness, she co-founded Le Mètre Carré in 2011 (president then director from 2017), since 2018, she has been a visual arts editor for the Luxembourg magazine Passaparola and since 2020 she has been a representative of the Collège Artistes- authors and Vice-President of PLAN D’EST visual arts department in Grand Est.

His work develops around painting and integrates major recurring and current themes that emphasize absurdity, such as time, vanity, existence, the relationship to others, illusion. His work is mainly tied to rigorous protocols and consists of series of paintings inspired by mass media, new technologies and the serendipity of internet research.

Always needing to diversify paths, he co-created in 2011 "Le Mètre Carré", a structure that she has since managed with passion, with the desire to bring the general public closer to contemporary art and through which he organizes exhibitions. and committed residences, in connection with the current issues of our society. The association is supported by the Ministry of Culture (DRAC Grand Est), the Grand Est region and various other public and private entities depending on the projects.

Her work is recognized for its audacity and the fact that the artist does not lock herself into codes. In her paintings there is a frequent atmosphere of loneliness and movement, she clears the forms with the intense light she creates. She chooses her subjects from ordinary life and more especially from things which are imposed to us. Her work is a constant research of liberty. Her paintings inhale the control and loosen a merry melancholy. It is dark and bright at the same time. Her work in oil is gestual and her style referres to as energism. Most of her paintings are inspired by photos. She likes seizing the ordinary, the commonness and the boredom of the everyday life. The photos she uses, Emmanuelle likes reframing them, retouching them, to sublimate better the nonsense of the world. Her paintings act then as a revelation. And the commonplace photo takes then a new dimension.


فنانة العدد الفرنسية إيمنوال بواتي

ولدت إيمانويل بواتي في عام 1983 في مدينة الغرانج في مقاطعة لورين ، ثم انتقلت إلى مدينة نانسي لدراسة الفن في المدرسة العليا للفنون ، أقامت وشاركت في العديد من المعارض الشخصية والجماعية ، أعمالها تنتهج صيغة التوثيق ، حيث علاقة الكائن بمحيطه وبالآخر ، ولديها قدرة على رسم متناقضات هذه العلاقة، فعلى الرغم من أن الشخوص مشبعين بالحركة وحولهم تسليط للضوء لتفعيل هذه الحركة وبث ديناميكيتها ، إلا أن عين المشاهد لا تغفل الأحساس بالوحدة ، وربما الارتباك والحيرة المرتسمة على ملامح ، وكيان شخوصها

يمكنك الإطلاع على أعمالها في صفحة ( كاليري ) فنان العدد


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